Always Get Multiple Estimates For Repairs

Whether you’re about to put your house on the market or responding to a list of repairs from a potential buyer, you should always-always-always get multiple estimates on repairs. You get what you pay for when it comes to repair work but some companies charge way more than they should while doing way less. And not every handy man with a tool box is qualified to make all repairs. Here are a few tips on getting the best value for your buck.

Should You Use Video To Market Your House?

Should you use video to market your house online? In a word: duh. The web is moving toward video. The experts say within 10 years most of the content on the web will be video. If your realtor is not using video to sell your home, you’re missing out on potential buyers. And you have a crappy realtor.

Clean Out Your Garage Before Putting Your Home On The Market

When you’re getting your house ready to go on the market don’t forget to clean out the garage. Or as I like to call it, “your in-home storage unit”. You should declutter your garage just like the rest of the house. Buyers want to see a clean garage where all their stuff will go, not all your stuff that’s stuffed in there. Here are a few tips on how to return your garage to its original purpose: to house your automobile (which is probably full of stuff).

How To Flip A House Without Losing Your Shirt (Don’t Do It!)

Lots of people watch those house flipping shows on HGTV and think, “Hey, I can do that. How hard can it be?” HARDER THAN YOU THINK, CHIP!! Successful house flipping is not only hard, it can be expensive and risky. There’s no quicker way to lose every cent you have and find yourself neck deep in debt. So before you jump out there and buy some old house to flip, heed these words.

Your Backyard Should Look As Good As The Front

Many times curb appeal stops at the front door. It’s not enough to have great curb appeal from the front, but your backyard must be equally impressive.

To Paint Or Not To Paint: That Is The Question

Is it better to paint every room the bland universal gray and replace the flooring with something equally benign before you put your house on the market or should you just cut the price and let potential buyers decorate for themselves?

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